Did lockdown really cause weight gain?


To limit the spread of Covid-19 many countries initiated lockdowns. These measures had additional social consequences beyond the direct death toll attributed to the virus.

I think most people would agree that their lifestyles changed due to Covid-19: working from home, increased stress, fear of the unknown, and less social activities led to different circumstances which ultimately led to different behaviours. Many of my clients attribute some of their weight gain to Covid-19 and maybe we don’t really need science to tell us that (*Robinson et al., 2021). However, a study was done in the UK to evaluate the impact of Covid-19 on weight-related behaviours and here is what they learned.

Weight related behaviours

There were 11 weight related behaviours evaluated. The percentage represents the number of participants who saw the behaviour increase during lockdown.

  1. Eating large meals or snacks (44%)

  2. Snacking (56%)

  3. Dieting or fasting (19%)

  4. Skipping meals (23%)

  5. Using weight control products (3%)

  6. Exercising (45%)

  7. Physical activity (46%)

  8. Spending time sitting down (73%)

  9. Drinking alcohol (36%)

  10. Getting a good night’s sleep (30%)

The conclusions were highly dependent on the habits and circumstances you had before Covid-19. For example, the diet quality during lockdown worsened for those who are male, younger, lower in education, and with a higher BMI (body mass index). Whereas females with lower education, higher BMI, and in a more negative mental health state were more likely to increase the quantity they ate (overeating).

As you can see, most saw an increase in time spent sitting down in lockdown. I’m sure these answers may look different in a colder climate such as Canada, but let’s get personal. What behaviours did you see increase during lockdown? Did you sit more? Did you drink more? Were you able to find time to do an online yoga or fitness class? Did you see an improvement in your sleep patterns? With a change in the structures and schedules we depend on for many of our healthy habits, where did you notice changes?

So, what now?

Different ‘seasons’ in life can change one’s weight. It doesn’t always mean it’s going to lead to weight gain - some changes cause weight loss and others cause weight gain. But, if you’re in a season of weight gain and would like to change the trajectory of your path, we can help you. Through our Biopychosocial approach to weight management we can help you navigate the season you’re in and find a healthy place for new habits to support your goals.

Book your free needs assessment to learn more about how our approach is different.

*Source: Robinson, E., Boyland, E., Chisholm, A., Harrold, J., Maloney, N.G., Marty, L., Mead, B.R., Noonan, R., & Hardman, C.A. Obesity, eating behavior and physical activity during COVID-19 lockdown: A study of UK adults. Appetite., 156 (2021) 104853.

Courtney Massicotte